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Madcap Living History 
Knox Squares
Friday 8/9, 6:00pm
@The Woodward Opera House


Color Therapy is an exhibition of handcrafted quilts that explores how color can be utilized in the quilt making process. Modern, embellished, paper-pieced, collaged and appliqued quilts push the traditional boundaries of color. The Knox County Quilt Guild shows how using the color wheel and building color schemes can enhance the overall design of their quilts.


Find the Knox County Quilt Guild at Schnormeier Gallery, located on the first floor of MVNU’s Buchwald Center, 221 S. Main St.


Color Therapy will be open to the public during the Music and Arts Festival on Aug. 11–12 from 10 A.M.–2 P.M and on Aug. 13 from 1–3 P.M.

Madcap 2024
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